Steuerrecht, Steuerstrafrecht, Wirtschaftsstrafrecht – Frankfurt a.M. und Mainz

Müller Fischer Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB is specialized in the fields of tax law, criminal tax law/fiscal offenses, and white-collar crime. Our skills and expertise acquired through decades of specializing in these areas enable us to successfully support our clients in finding solutions tailored to each of their complex situations and special cases.
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The lawyers

Jürgen R. Müller

Specialist lawyer for tax law
and tax criminal law

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Christian Fischer

Specialist lawyer for tax law
and tax criminal law

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Erik Lassner

Specialist lawyer for tax law
Tax consultant

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Tax Law

Our teams share a common vision of delivering excellent service to corporate affiliates, medium-sized enterprises as well as private individuals. We provide tax compliance services for business clients and develop an Internal Control System (Compliance-Management-System) that fit their specific needs. As a full-service tax law firm, Müller Fischer Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB can ensure that you and your businesses are in full compliance with all state...

  • Tax Compliance
  • Tax Audit
  • Opposition Procedures, Legal Actions and Revision Procedures
  • Enforcement Procedures
  • Tax Liability
  • Customs Law

Tax Criminal Law

One of the main focus of our law firm is the specialization in the area of tax criminal law. We defend our clients in cases of tax criminal proceedings and also in minor cases. We are mainly concerned in helping our clients in all phases of the ongoing investigations. We help our clients to handle the investigative proceedings as well as the subsequent court proceedings ...

  • Voluntary disclosure in Germany
  • Search and seizure
  • Legal defense concerning criminal tax law and tax law offenses
  • Administrative penalties and ancillary measures
  • Criminal Compliance

Business Criminal Law

A crucial practice area in which we are specialized is the client representation in white-collar investigations and enforcement actions. In such cases, we represent both private individuals and enterprises. Our attorneys are experienced in advising and representing companies in cases relating to property crimes, a violation against customs regulations, social security frauds and insolvency offenses ...

  • White-Collar Crimes
  • Social Security Frauds
  • Insolvency Offences
  • Customs Law
  • Criminal Compliance
  • Investigation Proceedings
  • Court Proceedings
  • Pre-Trial Detention


Periodically, Müller Fischer Rechtsanwälte Partnerschaft mbB provides concise reports on the latest court rulings and statements from the tax authorities as well as continuous updates on current developments and changes in the regulations and legislation. Our well-founded reports and analyses will help you to gain a better understanding regarding your tax obligations and rights.


Specialized books and contributions

We put great importance on the professional training and development of our lawyers in the first place. Through our publications, we share our knowledge and experience gathered through years of practice.



In our seminars, we share our knowledge gathered through years of practical experience with other tax lawyers and consultants. Drawing on our many years of experience, we offer guidance through the multi-facets und details of the tax criminal procedure.

Date Topic Location Organizer
29. April 2020 Steuerberatung im Fokus der Steuerfahndung Berlin ESV-Akademie
02. Decembre 2020 Steuerstrafrecht - Unternehmen und Steuerberater im Visier der Steuerfahndung Frankfurt am Main Mainhaus-Stadthotel Frankfurt

29. April 2020

02. Decembre 2020

Die COVID-19 Pandemie stellt uns vor neue Herausforderungen. Sie bietet aber auch neue Möglichkeiten. Auch in diesen schwierigen Zeiten stehen wir Ihnen mit unserem anwaltlichen Rat zur Seite. Zu Ihrem Schutz sowie zum Schutz unserer Mitarbeiter bieten wir Ihnen die Möglichkeit der Beratung per Video. Das Gespräch ist persönlich, spart Ihnen den Fahrtweg und schützt Sie vor Infektionen. Gerne kommunizieren wir mit Ihnen auch per Telefon. Rufen Sie uns an oder schreiben Sie uns eine E-Mail und erfahren Sie mehr über unsere digitale Mandatsbearbeitung!

+49(0)6131 - 69 60 99 0


Zu Ihren steuerrechtlichen, steuerstrafrechtlichen oder wirtschaftsstrafrechtlichen Fragen bieten wir Ihnen eine anwaltliche Erstberatung zum Festpreis an. Gerne melden Sie sich telefonisch oder buchen direkt über unsern Online-Terminplaner einen Termin mit einem unserer Fachanwälte. Die Erstberatung umfasst in einem Zeitraum von bis zu 60 Minuten die Beratung, welche Rechte Sie grundsätzlich haben und wie Sie weiter vorgehen sollten, um diese geltend zu machen. Danach können Sie entscheiden, ob Sie uns in der Angelegenheit weiter mandatieren möchten. Bitte beachten Sie, dass die Erstberatung pro Rechtsfall nur einmal in Anspruch genommen werden kann.

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Termin in Kalender eintragen


Termin in Kalender eintragen


Termin in Kalender eintragen


Termin in Kalender eintragen


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